The NSS Unit of Nalanda college of Arts and science Perla organised annual special camping programme of the academic year 2022-23 at MAUP School kallakatta from23-12-2022 to 28-12-2022.
The main theme of this camp was “Kerala youthagainst drug addiction”.
Kallakatta is the adopted village of this unit. The NSS Unit has identified some locations of Kallakatta area and it decided to organize a camp here, it completed successfully with the help of the local residents.
Inauguration 23-12-2022 Friday
The inaugural programme of the camp was presided over by the DR. Kishore Kumar Rai Sheni, principal of Nalanda College of Art’s and Science, perla. Inaugurator of the function was Sri. N. A Nellikunnu, MLA Kasaragod. Chief guest of the function were Sri. Naveen Babu K, deputy collector, election collectorate, Kasaragod, Sri. Augustine Bernad Monteiro, Assistant Educational Officer, Kasaragod. The programme was inaugurated by lightening the lamp. In the presidential address the president of the function said about the role of youth against drug addiction and how to prevent youngsters from such addiction . After inaugurating the programme Sri. N. A Nellikunnu, MLA Kasaragod addressed the gatherings. He said that these kinds of camps play major roles in the development of community through preventing the people from drug addiction and the students become more dynamic in extracurricular activities. He expressed that he is ready to give her full support to co-operate with the activities of the NSS Unit. He continued that the quality of the NSS activity of an Institution would reflect the efficiency of the Institution.
Camp director Sri. Suresh KM also addressed the gathering. Sri. Keshava, Manager MAUP School Kallakatta, Prof. A Shreenath, state Awardee Best NSS programme officer, Smt. Jayalakshmi C. H, Headmistress MAUP School Kallakatta, Sri. Vinodraj, Staff Secretary MAUP School Kallakatta, Sri. A. P Bedu, Rtd. Sub Inspector of Police, Kanhangad,Sri. Chethan,Ex-NSS Secretary and present secretaries Kum. Lavanya, Kum. Sharanya, Sri. Naveenraj,Sri. Abhimanue, Sri. Vinayaka felicitated the programme.
NSS Pogramme officer Mr. Prajith N welcomed the gathering and Kum. Rakshitha ( Ex.secretary NSS) proposed vote of thanks and Kum. Kavyachandran.,Asst prof in Commerce and management was the Master of Cceremony of the Programme.
The innaguration function was followed by Ice breaking session from 6.00pm to 8.00pm, Programme officer Sri. Prajirh. N and Sri Shaijesh Karuvakode,JCI trainer gave a motivation and dynamic leadership to create various groups among the volunteers.
Group wise meeting was held at 9.00pm onwards, Sri. Suresh K.M Camp director,Smt. Shambavi Asst. prof in Hindi,Smt. Vineesha, Asst. Malayalam, Kavya chandran Asst. and management were present.
Kasaragod MLA Sri. N. A Nellikunnu delivered inaugural speech
Camp director Sri. Suresh KM delivered Introductory Speech
The manual work of the camp was started on the second day of camp at Pambhachikadavu. The main work of that day was Kallakatta to Pambhachikadavu road side cleaning.NSS volunteers four teams consist of around 45 volunteers in each team were formulated for successful completion of manual work.
The programme was inaugurated by Sri. Mohanan, joint secretary of Ayyappa Bajana Mandira, Pambhachikadavu.
Volunteers worked very hard to complete the work. Kallakatta to Pambhachikadavu completely cleaned on that day. Cleaning importance was given mainly to reduce plastics. NSS volunteers cleaned the plastic wastes and other wastes in Pambhachikadavu.
After lunch at 2.00 PM HRD class was taken by Prof. A. Shreenath, Rtd Assistant professor and state Awardee Best NSS Programme officer Kerala state on the topic ‘Personality development through Social Services”.He explained regarding how volunteers can develop their skills and personality through social services..
6.00 PM to 8.00 PM various cultural programmes were held by volunteers with the co-operation of local residents. Sri. Shivarama P.V, Rtd Headmaster MAUP School, Smt. Jayalakshmi, Headmistress MAUP School,Sri. Shankara. K, Economics, Smt. Amritha A, Economics,,Kum. Anusha C. H and management were present.
Road side cleaning Inaguaration of manual work by Sri. Mohanan,joint secretary of Ayyappa Bajana Mandira, Pambhachikadavu.
HRD class by Prof. A. Shreenath, Rtd. Assistant professor and state Awardee Best NSS Programme officer Kerala state.
25-12-2022 Sunday
The third day of the camp began with NSS assembly and followed by manual work. The volunteers worked in 2 places. The main work of that day was Kollangana to Arthala ST Colony Road repair and one more place volunteers worked that is Kollangana to Pajja road side Cleaning. NSS Volunteers two teams consists around 25 volunteers in each team were formulated for successful completion of manual work in both the worksites.
The programme was inaugurated by Sri. Promod Kollangana, Secretary of thathwamasi club Kollangana.Volunteers worked very hard to complete the work in both the worksites. Kollangana to Pajja was completely cleaned on that day. Cleaning importance was given mainly to reduce plastics. NSS volunteers cleaned the plastics wastes and other plastics in Kollangana. Thathwamasi marati sanga pajja, Thrishul friends Kollangana and local residents joined along with volunteers
After lunch at 2.00PM HRD class was held at ST Community hall at Arthala.The resource person of that day was Sri. K. V Manoharan, senior fire and rescue station officer, Kasaragod. The topic of class was the “Role of society in fire and safety”.He clearly explained regarding how to handle the vulnerable situations. He also taken practical session to operate the gad cylinder, steps to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the time of emergencies, such as heart attack or near drowning in which someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped.Volunteers also actively involved in discussion.
At 6.00PM to 8.00 PM various Cultural programmes were held by volunteers with the cooperation of local residents. Sri. Keshava sharma K, Assistant professor in Kannada, Kum. Kavya chandran. V, Assistant professor in commerce and management, Kum. Athira T. K, Assistant professor in statistics, DR. Kishore Kumar rai sheni, principal of Nalanda College of Arts and Science, perla, Manjunatha Shetty, office staff were present on that day.
Kollangana to Arthala ST Colony road repair inaugurated by Sri. Promod Kollangana, Secretary of thathwamasi club Kollangana.
Kollangana to Pajja road side cleaning
HRD Class taken by Sri. K. V Manoharan, senior fire and rescue station officer, Kasaragod.
Cultural Program by local resident of Kallakatta.
26-12-2022 Monday
The fourth day of the camp began with NSS assembly in the early morning and followed by manual work in Kallakatta SC Colony Cleaning. NSS volunteers and Kudumbashree unit members Kallakatta worked very hard. Merchants of Kallakatta and others joined and appreciated volunteer’s interest towards society. Around 10 students visited SC Colony to conductsurvey regarding “Viral Thottaal Ariyaam Vivaraghal”.Afternoon at 2.00PM HRD class was held on the topic ‘Women empowerment’. The resource person of the class was Smt. Sunitha M. V, Women Protection Officer, Kasaragod .She explained about the important of gender equality in the present scenario. Volunteers actively participated in the class and cleared their doubts by asking questions.
6.00PM to 8.00PM various Cultural programme were held by volunteers with cooperation of local residents. Kum. Suchitra, Asst. Prof. in. Geology, Smt. Anupama, Asst. Prof. In. Economics, Camp director Suresh KM, Kum. Kavya chandran. V, Asst. Prof. in. Commerce and management,NSS secretaries and volunteers were present.
Manual work- cleaning Kallakatta road side.
HRD class handled by Women Protection Officer Kasaragod Smt. Sunitha M. V
27-12-202 Tuesday
The fifth day of the camp began with NSS assembly in the early morning and followed by manual works in Aranthod Sri. Mahalingeshwara temple surrounding cleaning and Aranthod Anganavady surrounding. Volunteers are divided in to two groups for the smooth functioning of works in both the worksites. In both the worksites local residents of that area helped to volunteers for successful completion of that day work. After completion of work Volunteers conducted survey in ST Colony regarding “ viral Thottaal Ariyaam Vivaranghal”. After completion of survey volunteers conducted class about digital literacy to local residents of that area.
Afternoon at 2.00PM HRD class was held on the topic ‘Electoral literacy’.. The resource person of the class was Sri.Dhananjayan, Senior Clerk, Taluk office, Kasaragod. He explained about importance of voter’s ID card and what are the procedure involved to get an voters ID card. Taluk office attender Sri. Danesh also present for the programme. It was a really interactive and interesting session for all volunteers. Volunteers actively participated in the discussion and cleared their doubts by asking questions
Cultural programme began at 6.00 PM to 8.00 PM. Cultural programme were held by Volunteers with cooperation of local residents. Kum. Kavya chandran. V, commerce and management, Kum. Vimala, Asst. English, Kum. Ramitha, Asst.Prof. in Commerce and management, Radhakrishna Y.S, Office Staff, Kum. Lakshmitha, Computer instructor,NSS secretaries and volunteers were present.
Volunteers repaired and cleaned Aranthod road
Viral Thottaal Ariyaam Vivaraghal- class on digital literacy
HRD Class taken by Sri. Dhananjayan, Senior clerk, Taluk office, Kasaragod
28-12-2022 Wednesday
The sixth day of the camp began with NSS assembly in the early morning and followed by yoga session. The main work of that day was Ajjavara ujangod road side cleaning. NSS volunteers worked very hard. Friends Ajjavara team were participated in the cleaning programme.Local residents helped to complete that day work.
Afternoon after lunch at 2.00PM HRD class was held on the topic ‘Youth Against Drug Addiction’. The resource person of that day was Sri. Janardhana, Civil Excise Officer, Badiadka. He clearly explained about Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs and its Consequences.NSS programme Officer Prajith, Kum. Kavya chandran, Asst. Prof. in. Commerce and Management, Kum. Athira, Asst. Prof. in. Statistics were present. It was a very interesting and most important session of this camp. Volunteers actively participated in the discussion and cleared their doubts by asking questions.
Cultural programme snd Camp fire began at 7.00PM. Cultural programme leaded by programme officer Mr. Prajith. N and Camp director Suresh KM,College staffs, NSS secretaries and volunteers present.
Ajjavara Ujangod Road side Cleaning by NSS Volunteers
HRD Class taken by Civil Excise Officer Sri.Janardhana on the topic ‘Youth Against Drug Addiction’.
27-12-2018 Thursday
The last day of camp was started with NSS assembly as usual.On this day volunteers started cleaning MAUP school play ground and surrounding. They also cleaned the school class rooms,toilet, bathrooms etc.
Afternoon at 2.00PM valededictory session began and it was presided over by Dr.Jayagovinda ukkinadka, Secretary, governing council, Nalanda College of Arts and Science Perla. Sri.Navernraj,NSS secrtary welcomed the gatherings. Rev.father Rithesh Rodrigues( Priest sent Thomas Church,Kollangana)inaugurated valedictory function. Sri.Suresh KM camp director evaluated the camp. Dr Jayagovinda ukkinadka, Secretary, Governing Council Nalanda College of Arts and Science perla relased souvenir.
Guests of the programmes were Sri.Narayana Naik,PTA vice president Nalanda College of Arts and Science, Perla,Sri.shyam prakash Kallakatta, general convenor of camp,Sri.Mohana Barikkad,joint secretary Ayyappa Bhajana mandira,pambachikadavu,Sri.Krishna Prasad P.S, secretary, Mahavishnu kshethra samithi Barikkad,Sri.Pramod Kumar.K Kollangana,Sri P.V Keshava, Manager MAUP School,Kallakatta,Smt.Jayalakshmi, Headmistress MAUP School Kallakatta, Shalini Rodrigues, librarian Sri.KG bhat memorial library,Kallakatta,Smt.Jayashree ,Aganavadi teacher,Kallakatta, Faculties of Nalanda College of arts and science,Perla, teachers of MAUP School, Kallakatta,NSS secretaries and Volunteers were present.NSS programme officer Sri prajith .N proposed vote of thanks.All the activities began with NSS prayer and ended with National Anthem.
Valedictory function inaugurated by Rev.father Rithesh Rodrigues